Tuesday 30 September 2014

Gun Disarms. Is It Really Just Bullshit?

Are gun disarms bullshit?

I have spent the better part of the last week and a half watching every gun disarm that I could find. Whether it's in instructional videos or online. What's fucking funny is that everyone who does a disarm is being attacked in a static manner. Guy stands there like a dolt holding the gun and then reacts after the individual doing the technique takes the gun from him.

Now call me fucking crazy but who attacks in just a static manner? Shit is going to be happening. He will likely be agitated to some degree. Exhibiting violence. The gun will be moving. The attacker may be pushing the gun into you or grabbing at you with his other hand reaching at your pockets. The number one focus is clear the weapon. I will always agree with that. But other instructors never show what happens when you strike the attacker. Once the fight starts the gun is no longer static. There isn't going to be a fucking simple disarm. The attacker is off balance when you strike. Tripping over shit. Trying to defend them self as well.

I really think that the attack the man concept is the way to go. Start driving forward striking someone in the head. See how they react. Kind of hard to shoot when you are busy covering up. Plus you hit someone hard enough who doesn't have a real grip on the gun and you could possibly get an impact disarm.

Just what I have been noticing lately.

George Hutchings


Saturday 12 July 2014

Just Keep It Simple

As I write this, I am reminded of my time back in elementary school and when I was first exposed to the idea of KISS.  Keep it simple stupid.

Back then it seemed so logical. Unfortunately as I got older I started to over complicate everything.  We spend so much time trying to understand shit and over analyze it that we end up causing ourselves nothing but problems.

As a Self Defense Instructor I see this problem more and more.  With all of the different styles of martial arts and combatives, things seem to be getting further and further from this KISS concept.  I mean there are multiple ways to defend against chokes, wrist grabs and weapons.  Fuck, if you do just a simple basic Google search you will find multiple ways to kill a man with just one finger.
This is so true.  And the reason why I have chosen the SDTS.

I have studied multiple styles myself and am proud to have ranked.  I hold a black belt level and advanced level instructor in Krav Maga and Kick Boxing along with a few other reality based self defense systems. The common complaint from students though is there are just too many options and techniques are difficult to learn and/or perform.

Let's try and go back to our concept of KISS for a moment.  True Self Defense needs to be easy.  It needs to be dog shit simple.  I should be able to teach you something that you can take with you and use immediately.  This is not sport, or ceremony.  This is not about grading and reaching the next level or learning 6 different ways to potentially disarm an attacker.  Self Defense is about doing whatever it takes to make it home.  Kill or be killed.  When some 260 lb dude is looking to pull you into secluded woods and rape your ass, do you really want to have to try and remember which one of the hundreds of techniques you learned in order to escape?  I am not going to knock martial arts here.  They have their place.  But unfortunately most training is symmetrical in nature.  You do this and I do this.  Fuck, everything can work against just a choke or wrist grab.  But step up your training.  Practice real scenarios with real stress.  Shit changes.  And this is what can get you injured or even killed in the streets.

Everything works sometime but nothing works all of the time.  There are concepts and techniques from all systems and styles of martial arts and combatives that are great.  My choice though is to focus on the simplicity of the Self Defense Training System

This Self Defense Training System keeps it real and simple.  Techniques are simple.  If you can't escape, attack the man.  Do your worst fast and first.  This is about self preservation.  You will not see complicated wrist grab defenses or crazy knife and gun disarms.  Don't get me wrong though, if you desire to learn these things and rank there are some awesome systems out there, but we are specifically addressing Self Defense here.

You can learn the Self Defense Training System live with an instructor or even online through our amazing new platform.  Click here to take a look at this amazing online program and get started training

You can also email me directly at barrieselfdefense@gmail.com if you are looking for live training.

Just remember to make sure as Damian Ross says to "Train Honestly!"

George Hutchings
Online Training Program Click Here

Friday 4 July 2014

The Self Defense Training of “Captain” Chris Pizzo

Do you know who really trained “Captain” Chris Pizzo?

It wasn't some super secret ninja army Colonel and he didn't learn in it some clandestine super secret killing camp.

Chris Pizzo learned all he knows about close combat from this guy, Damian Ross.

And the truth be told, Chris only trained with Damian for a few years – let’s put it this way…

Damian may have taught Chris everything Chris knows, he sure as heck didn’t teach Chris everything Damian knows!

If you never heard of Damian you’re in for a REAL treat – he is THE MAN. Three black belts, former bodyguard, New Jersey concealed carry, nationally ranked in wrestling, karate, judo, kick boxing…well you get the point.

Damian is pissed and he wants to set the record straight.

You see Chris was the marketing guy and Damian was the Self Defense Training talent. Back in 2007, Chris decided to screw Damian out of a lot of money, promoted himself to “Captain” and started selling a watered down version of what he learned from Damian.

In the end, Damian sued Chris, and the good guys won.

But that wasn't enough for Damian.

Damian wants to clear the name of “Combatives”, Real combatives – not martial arts just using the term combatives.

To be quite clear, what you learned from Chris WAS NOT THE REAL DEAL

To correct this injustice Damian has created a special offer for you.

For a limited time he’s giving away FREE Trials of his Self Defense Training program.

There is nothing to buy, and you can begin training instantly with him and his team RIGHT NOW.

The SDTS Combatives Program – the heart and soul of your training – Over 400 lesson and drills of everything you ever needed to know about close quarters combat; from empty hand to weapons (offense and defense).

Family Safe Program

60 Minute Self Defense

The Guardian and Protector Programs for Law Enforcement and Security

You’ll have access to ALL of these programs but that’s not all.

What happens if you have a question?

Along with your membership you’ll get LIVE training and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can even train with Damian or any one of his certified Instructors in person or right from the privacy of your own home.

And you can check it all out, right now, instantly.

To learn more about this incredible opportunity and how you can start for FREE GO TO:


If you like what you see, try it for free – no strings attached.

There is a self-cancel button so you don’t have to deal with customer service.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we look forward to self defense training with you.

George Hutchings

On behalf of Damian Ross and The Self Defense Company

Monday 23 June 2014

Keep It Simple: Innovation Through Method Not Technique

“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail.” – Henry David Thoreau
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo daVinci
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein
“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein
“The simplest things are often the truest.” Richard Bach
“Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art.” Frederick Chopin
Every great martial artist, defensive tactics instructor or coach I have ever known were masters at simplification. Yet martial artists and people in general always seek to complicate things. They over analyze and extrapolate dozens, if not hundreds of possibilities for any specific situation. Now it seems that I tend to “beat up” martial artists, but the same holds true for any form of education because it’s human nature to do this, it’s just that martial arts fall into the realm of what I do.
There is a need to over teach, over explain and a need to ADD technique instead of subtracting. With instruction people get bored. They feel that if they can remember the technique in class and repeat it that they actually KNOW IT. This is bullshit.
I have thrown tens of thousands of edge of hand, chin jabs, reverse punches, single leg take downs, double leg take downs and the list goes on and on. While technically the techniques have changed, they have all evolved over time. My edge of hand 20 years ago may resemble the one that I do know, but the velocity and brutality in which I deliver it has changed. The single leg take down I learned in first grade was not the one I did in college.
Any good instructor feels they need to keep the class engaged and stimulated. Adding new technique is the easiest way to keep students interested. The learning curve is reset and they are not bored. But adding new technique is like giving your kids cookies when they’re hungry. Sure it shuts them up and you know they will eat it, but in the end it’s not good for them. What you need to do is feed them their meat and vegetables. The only way to get them to eat what’s good for them is to present it in a different manner. You need to do the same thing for your students.
Techniques and tactics of hand to hand combat WILL NEVER CHANGE. The only thing that changes is technology. We know what techniques work and there is nothing new under the sun. Since Cane crushed Abel with a rock, man on man combat will always be just that. REAL innovation is in HOW you train, not WHAT you train.
Good instructors, excuse me, GREAT instructors will innovate in the drills that they use to educate their students. When you force students to adapt their skills to new and different situations those skills become ingrained and instinctive. This is what you need to accomplish: give people a proven set of skills that they can apply to any situation. The less skills the better. In the SDTS we have a lot of technique. I personally use only about six. But my six might be different than your six so in a universal program you need to allow students to explore and grow. But the six techniques always consist of three that everybody does and three that are unique to them based on past experience and aptitude.
Innovate your training. I watched SDC Instructors Reuben Bean and Joe Landry do SDTS entry drills that I never even thought of! They broke a combination down even FURTHER! It was awesome.
It’s easy to give techniques. There are millions of them out there and most of them are inefficient or completely impossible to perform in a life and death situation. But they are abundant and there are thousands upon thousands of videos to purchase and its easy to collect technique and impress agreat deal of people. But that’s doing them a disservice.
Imagine a football coach who showed up every week with a new set of plays and completely new offense and defense. How well do you think that team is going to perform, not very good. A good coach prepares his team by adapting what they already do to their opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. They train to adapt, just as you should do, just as you NEED to do.
Don’t add, subtract. Always seek to simplify. Innovate in the way you train and don’t be afraid to experiment. I have had a massive amount of failures to create one thing that works. But even in the innovation process there is learning.

Friday 13 June 2014

How to Fight Drunk

How To Fight Drunk.  

Most fights involve alcohol it’s the way of the world. You lose you inhibitions and judgment and before you know it, you’re proposing to a house plant.
If you have chosen a path of 100% sobriety, then you don’t need to think about this, but for the rest of us who occasionally like to have a few then keep reading, but read fast, I don’t want you to pass out before the end of the article.

Even Tom Hanks knows that your vulnerable when you're drunk.
Even this guy can see an easy mark                 (man he looks a lot Forrest Gump)
If you drink and you’re serious about self defense, you better know how drinking effects your performance and endurance.
You can easily be impaired and too drunk to fight, among other things. We’ll call this “Whiskey Fist”. Not be be confused with, but often accompanied by Whiskey D!@k.

Not only does alcohol affect your judgement and your coordination, but it also impairs your body’s ability to get oxygen to your muscles and vital organs..including your brain. In short the effects happen faster and are far more debilitating than you think. This is mainly due to your lack of judgement.

Because your new found bravery is replacing your ability to actually fight, you don’t really know exactly how much until you can quantify it.
I first noticed this when I was younger and a few of us were drinking in my buddy’s home gym. Next thing you know, we are on the bench trying for a new max – not a great idea. Testosterone, alcohol with a dash of barbell – it’s a wonder no one died.
Needless to say, I didn’t hit my max, but I did learn a valuable lesson – while you may FEEL like you can take on the world – the world can come back to bite you in the a$$.

I’m no scientist, but I put together a drill to determine how many drinks it takes to render me useless.
So I combined drinking and training and it looks like this:
Note, this is best to do with a friend.
Establish your baseline:
30 Second 3 Count Chop Drill
30 second 3 count kick drill
30 second SDTS Ground and Pound top
30 second SDTS Ground and Pound bottom
Take a drink wait 10 minutes.
Do another round of 30 second bursts
Take a drink wait 10 minutes
Continue until you have to stop and catch your breath during a 30 second burst.
When you hit that point, there’s your threshold. Now you know how much you can drink and still fight well.
After that threshold is reached, it’s a steep decline (trust me on that one).
Oh before you ask – the record is 8 shots of bourbon. Now I’m not telling you to film your attempt and put it on Youtube, that would be irresponsible.

Life isn’t always dojo’s and gymnasiums.

You need to train for where and how you live. That’s why it’s important to train at home, even if you have a chance to train with an SDC Instructor.Because what happens is when you go to a place and put on a uniform you naturally get in the frame of mind to defend yourself. But as soon as you leave the gym, you relax.

We see this with cops and soldiers often.

The uniform goes on, the game face comes out but as soon as their off duty, they get taken off guard like everyone else. That’s why you need to train in your own and get used to the idea of fighting in places where you’re most likely to be attacked – where you work, live and play.

If you’re going to drink, well – know your limits. Having a few is OK, but keep count. You don’t want to be caught with your guard down, among other things.

How far can you take this?
The club is a disorienting and challenging environment.
The club is a disorienting and challenging environment.

I’ve set up a strobe light, smoke machine and lights to simulate a club atmosphere.
Be careful the strobe REALLY messes with your depth perception (note: wear face protection).
We’ve done car jacking simulations, parking lot scenarios and anyplace else you can think of, just get out of the gym and KEEP IT REAL.

Until Next Time.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Don’t Let Science Get in the Way of Your Martial Arts Fantasy

Do martial arts like Aikido, Systema, Akijujutsu and even Reality Based Self defense Systems Like Krav Maga and TFT actually work in the real world?
martial arts fantasy
Who doesn't want to be a “kung fu master"? Unfortunately you can only become one in the dojo and the movies.

The answer may SHOCK you. In fact there’s a simple scientific, physiological FACT that renders ALL martial arts and self defense systems irrelevant and useless when you’re attacked for real.
It doesn’t matter how believable,  how nice, or how tough your instructor. I get it and I don’t think they would lie to you intentionally, but I’m going to tell you something that they obviously don’t know or care to share with you.

Something happens to your body when you’re in a REAL fight and you have no control over it…
There is no amount of breathing and meditation that will change it – it’s hardwired into your system and there’s no way around it. It’s called the SNS (Sympathic Nervous System) and it’s what takes control of your body when you’re in a fight or flight situation.
Martial arts reality
Real fights are brutal, messy and barbaric and deep inside you, you’re engineered to deal with them.
You can practice and practice until your beyond exhaustion – but just because your system works in training, doesn’t mean it will work in the street. The vast majority of skills and defenses taught by literally every self defense system can not work in the street because of SNS activation, and there’s NOTHING you can do to change that fact.

The activation of the SNS is unavoidable and uncontrollable. It’s a reflex triggered by the mere perception of a real threat. Once initiated, the SNS will dominate all voluntary and involuntary body functions until the perceived threat has been eliminated or escaped. Once you feel you’re safe, the PNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System) activates to reestablish homeostasis.
The PNS is what you use the majority of the time in a relaxed and non-threatened state.The problem is that you train in the PNS mindset when you have complete control over your faculties. You will get tired, you will get stressed, but it’s nothing like SNS activation.This is why most self defense systems are incorrect because they project the same functionality when you’re under attack.

The solution is you need to train in skills and tactics that will be there under SNS activation.
When the SNS is activated there is an immediate discharge of stress hormones. This “mass discharge” is designed to prepare your body for fight or flight. This is characterized by increasing blood pressure, heart rate and blood flow to large muscle mass (resulting in increased strength and enhanced complex and gross motor skills). This causes  vasoconstriction of minor blood vessels at the end of your appendages (which serves to reduce bleeding from wounds) – this also eliminates the possibilities of finite motor skills. You will also experience pupil dilation, shut down of the digestive processes and muscle tremors.

Your SNS is there to get you hyper-focused and ready for battle.
Under SNS activation you will only be able to concentrate on what’s immediately in front of you. And if you’re not trained the right way, your body will literally shut down because the effects of SNS activation can be debilitating. This has been recognized for centuries. Phenomenon such as tunnel vision (peripheral vision is shut off), auditory exclusion (hearing is shut off), the loss of complex motor control, irrational behavior, and the inability to think clearly have all been observed as byproducts of SNS activation. Stories of soldiers “losing their minds” in battle is not uncommon and prolonged SNS activation will lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

What exactly happens to your Body during SNS Activation

Below is a description of what will happen to you in the face of real danger when your SNS is activated.
Heart rate is used because it is a variable that can be easily measured. Heart rate from physical exertion is a lot different than the involuntary heart rate increase you experience caused by hormones when your SNS is activated.
Below is are 3 classifications of movement that are critical to understanding the effects of SNS activation on your ability to perform. The 3 classifications are Finite Motor Skills, Complex Motor Skills and Gross Motor Skills.
Finite Motor Skill
These are movements that employ articulation of the fingers, wrists and small subtle movements that involve a great deal of timing, skill and “feel”. This includes wrist locks, finger locks, trapping, complex joint manipulation, different hand and fist configurations.
Complex Motor Skills
Large joint movements of the hip, shoulder, elbow and knee, firing a weapon, stabbing and swinging a bat are also complex motor skills. On the high end would even be strangling or more specifically squeezing and constricting as well as gouging and biting. There is a reason that punch turns into a “hay maker” in the street.
Gross Motor Skill
Running to your enemy (charging) or running away (escaping).
A note on terminology:
*I refer to gross motor skills a lot and there’s a reason for it – the complex motor skill label is misleading. Complex suggests complicated.  In reality , complex motor skills range from the extremely simple (Edge of Hand Strike or Heel of Hand Strike) to the less simple (Hand Yoke or Combat Strangle). During the initial surge of SNS Activation, which I’ll explain next, you will only be able to do the simple movements, but as you come down and the threat lessons, more complex skills become available.
60 to 80 BPM (beats per minute) - Normal resting heart rate.
115 BPM -You get ready for battle
  • This happens the second you realize you’re in real danger
  • Finite Motor Skills Deteriorate
  • Vasoconstriction occurs driving blood from your extremities to control bleeding from wounds.
  • Blood goes into your vital organs and large muscle groups to prepare you for battle.
Say good bye to small circle anything, wrist and finger locks, fancy hand gestures, complicated holds and moves.
115 to 155 BPM – The “Combat Zone”
  • The optimal heart rate for battle.
  • Maximization of complex motor skills like the SDTS Edge of hand, chin jab, hand yoke and dozens of other base techniques. You can still use a firearm, club or edged weapon with simple and powerful maneuvers.
  • Visual reaction time is maximized
  • Cognitive reaction time is maximize
In this range your hyper-focused and with the right training, you will operate with maximum effectiveness.
155 BPM -The beginning of the end
  • Complex Motor skills begin to break down
  • Your skill set and your bodily functions start a fast spiral out of control
175 BPM and above – You’re Cooked
Your brain and body literally shutdown.
  • Loss of cognitive processing (rational thinking)
  • Loss of peripheral vision
  • Loss of depth perception
  • Loss of near vision
  • Auditory exclusion
  • Irrational fighting or fleeing
  • Freezing
  • Submissive behavior
  • Voiding of bladder and bowels (yep – you literally shit yourself)
  • Gross motor skills (running, charging) at highest performance level
In this stage you are all but useless. You can wither run towards the enemy or away from him. Eventually you will black out or suffer cardiac arrest. The terms “scared to death” and “scared shitless” have real meaning.
Once activated, the SNS causes immediate physiological changes, of which the most noticeable and easily monitored is increased heart rate. SNS activation will drive the heart rate from an average of 70 beats per minute (BPM) to more than 200 BPM in less than a second. As combat stress increases, heart rate and respiration will increase until catastrophic failure or until the parasympathetic nervous system is triggered (you will black out).
Humans have three primary survival systems: vision, cognitive processing, and motor skill performance. Under stress, all three break down.

The Warrior Inside You

Keep in mind the same holds true for the enemy you’re fighting. do you think a “pressure point” would have even fazed the woman on the left? Your best bet is to attack major nerve centers and respiratory functions.The positive by product of SNS activation is that it increases strength and increases your pain threshold. You will be able to be shot and stabbed without even feeling it. The majority of the time people die from gunshot and knife wounds due to blood loss. It’s not the movies, you don’t fall down when you get shot or stabbed unless the impact is enough to knock you down.

Can you control SNS activation to make sure you’re in the combat zone? 
Yes you can. Low-level SNS activation may result from the anticipation of an attack. This is especially common with police officers or soldiers minutes before they make a tactical assault into a potential deadly force environment. Under these conditions combatants will generally experience increase in heart rate and respiration, muscle tremors, and a sense of anxiety.
In contrast, high-level SNS activation occurs when you’re confronted with an unanticipated deadly force threat and the time to respond is minimal.This is literally EVERY self defense situation you prepare for and it’s important that you understand this fact, because this is why All methods of Self Defense FAIL.
In every self defense system on the planet they train you to react to the unanticipated attack. You are expected to respond instantly and precisely, just like in the movies.

Remember, every unanticipated attack is a high-level SNS activation situation. High SNS activation will cause catastrophic failure of the visual, cognitive, and motor control systems.
Every system you learn begins with the attack. The guy grabs your throat, he bear hugs you out of nowhere, he sticks a gun in your face and you’re expected to recall something finite and complicated when you get that awesome rush of adrenaline and hormones from SNS activation.
What about before the attack?
99% of the time you will be stalked before someone decides you have what they want and they can get it from you. Predators will even make contact with you to size you up. Criminals and bullies don’t want to have a hard time so they will choose marks they feel are worth it and or stack the odds in their favor.
Before the attack, before that first punch, grab or stab. Before it all goes down is where you need to concentrate your training. If you wait to be attacked it’s too late.
The SDTS concentrates on what happens BEFORE the attack based on the key factors of position and distance. Then you react using techniques and tactics designed to work in that “Combat Zone”. No matter how hard you try you can’t replicate SNS activation in the dojo and it sure as hell doesn’t happen in the ring so you must stick to techniques and tactics that qualify.
That means moves that are “simple” large movements that attack the major nerve, circulatory and respiratory areas of the body. forget the cute little parlor trick pressure points- they’re no good. Because if your enemy is in SNS Activation, high, drunk or insane, they won’t work.

There are six key variables that have an immediate impact of the level of SNS activation:
  • The degree of malevolent, human intent behind the threat
    Does that person want to injure or kill you? Are they capable?
  • The perceived level of threat, ranging from risk of injury to the potential for death
    Are they pointing a finger or a gun in your face?
  • The time available to response
    Are they in your face, a few steps away or sending you a threatening email?
  • The level of confidence in personal skills and training
    Are you 100% confident you’re prepared to protect yourself?
  • The level of experience in dealing with the specific threat
    Have you done with this before?
  • The degree of physical fatigue that is combined with the anxiety
    Do you have enough energy to protect yourself?
The obvious solution is replicating SNS activation in training but it’s impossible.
Bruce K. Siddle’s research involved monitoring the heart rate responses of law enforcement officers in interpersonal conflict simulations using paintball-type simulation weapons. This research has consistently recorded heart rate increases to well over 200 beats per minute, with some peak heart rates of up to 300 beats per minute, which is damn near off the charts!
These were simulations in which the combatants knew that their life was not in danger. In a true life-and-death situation where you face the ultimate universal human phobia of interpersonal aggression you will certainly experience a physiological reaction even greater than that of Siddle’s subjects.
Most self defense systems just ignore the facts.
The self defense you know assumes:
1. You will be able to “think” under pressure.
2. You can use finite and complicated blocks, traps, locks holds and strikes
3. You will be able to react in time with precision and accuracy.
At the Self Defense Company we embrace SNS activation.
We use inoperative conditioning based on position and distance and practice at 100% force on your target.
You start training in the “gray area” the place BEFORE the fight starts.
You understand what someone does before an attack and you know how to turn the tables on him and take the fight to him – all 100% legal, all 100% justified.
SNS activation makes you hyper-focused, strong and fearless. Fear is something that activates the SNS – it’s going to happen, so just accept it. This is why you need to train with in the confines of the SNS activation and base your training on methods that have been proven to work under real stress.
At the end of the day if any other system on the planet, Krav Maga, Akijujutsu, MMA, boxing, wrestling, Judo, BJJ, Systema, Sambo or anything worked I would attach my name to it.  

Damian Ross (founder of the SDTS) poses with violence psychology expert LtCol Dave Grossman from www.killlology.com

The research behind this post is credited to LtCol David Grossman and his book “On Combat”

Saturday 31 May 2014

The Seven Signs Your Instructor’s a Pussy

Anti-violent mantras from the mouths of  martial artists

If you spent any time in a martial arts uniform, somewhere, someone along the line has told you to never use your art for violence.
I call bullshit.
There is CLEARLY a time to use force, if there isn’t, what the heck are we doing all of this for?
People get attacked and raped every day (there’s your happy thought). Violence is real and it happens in every community. If you think you can talk your way out of any situation and will never have to resort to violence I have a great tip on a horse…
The “never use violence” philosophy perplexed and confused me throughout my self defense and martial arts journey. There were times I even used these terms myself because I felt it was something I was obligated to say, like a disclaimer before an advertisment. To be honest, people like to hear that they don’t have to fight, it gives them some relief knowing that if they train and prepare, they will never have to fight.
But that’s a lie and it’s irresponsible.
Training with the hope that you’ll never fight is like learning to swim with a fear of water. You wouldn’t practice swimming so you don’t have to swim. At some point you’re going to get wet and in  deep water so you better train like it’s going to happen.

Now on to the Seven Signs Your Instructor’s a Pussy
1.”Always Walk Away”
Do you mean turn your back on a potential threat? Do you mean run away? What if I have my kids there? Do I leave them?
Seriously, I don’t understand this statement and for the life of me I really don’t know why someone would tell another human being this…EVER.
Between normal, law abiding people there should never be a reason to use force. You can disagree without fighting and most times you do. But then there are times someone just doesn’t want to “agree to disagree” and take it to the next level. Now it doesn’t matter if the fight is over a parking space or your child’s life – the level of danger is the same and should be handled as such.  A push is just a push, but if you slip and crack your skull you’re still just as dead.
You should never turn your back on any threat and you should NEVER let them to get close enough to hit you. Now it’s not up to me (or anybody else) to TELL YOU you have to use force, just as it’s not up to some chuckle-head to tell you you have to walk away. To fight or not to fight is a personal decision that  you have to make.
I only tell you the best tactical time to use force (which happens to also fall within the guidelines for legal use of force). The decision to take advantage of this time is yours and yours alone.

2. “I train to Fight so I don’t have to Fight”
Train_to_fightBruce Lee gets credit for this quote – the same guy who claims to have fought in “hundreds” of street fights. One of his “fights” was even depicted in the movie Dragon. So what gives? You’re training  to fight AND still fighting?!?! Well if the legend of Bruce Lee is true, even the Kung Fu Master himself felt the need to “put foot to ass” from time to time. So let’s green light your decision to do the same.
I like this quote better “I train to fight so I know how to fight.”
When you know how to fight you get a certain “Alphaness” (I’m totally copyrighting that). Alphaness is the subconscious signal  you put out when you really know how to protect yourself. This only happens when you have true knowledge and confidence in your skill and the will to follow through.

3. “Violence Never Solves Anything”
Maybe not, but it sure stops a lot of stuff like rape, murder, WWII, the invasion of Iraq…should I keep going?
There are many people on this earth that use violence to intimidate and take whatever  they want. These animals only understand power and pain. The only way to stop them is with more power and pain.

4. “Violence is Never the Answer”
On the contrary, sometimes violence is the only answer. It is an immediate and effective means of correcting anti-social behavior.
Violence is a short term solution to an immediate problem.
I wouldn't try to rehabilitate a criminal by beating him on a daily basis and I wouldn’t try to counsel a man who was kicking in the door to my house.

5. “Use Non-Lethal Techniques First”
This notion comes from the “escalation of force” concept that is always misinterpreted. Escalation of force applies to police work and basically comes down to verbal commands, physical and mechanical use of force and finally deadly use of force.
If they don’t listen, you use your hands, feet, pepper spray, ASP, taser, etc to get them to comply. If they appear to want to hurt you or others and are capable you can use deadly force.
This does NOT apply to technique. Somehow people have twisted this into meaning I start with pain compliance, then go to joint locks, then strikes and chokes…IT”S NONSENSE.
When it comes down to self defense once you’ve made the decision to use force you have only one obligation – survive and stop the threat as fast as possible by whatever means possible.
Messing around with complicated  joint locks and pressure points only creates opportunity for your attacker to injure you. Your best bet is to use methods that will stop your attacker dead in his tracks.

There is no classification in any law book that details what techniques you can use.
There’s nothing that is “banned by the government” or “outlawed” either. No mention of technique or style. There’s only use of force and deadly force. Which means there are times you can use force and there are times you can use deadly force.
Use of force cases focus on the circumstances of the situation and use terms like credible,  reasonable and duty to retreat.
Take this situation for example:
You’re approached by some young thug  by your car in an empty parking lot.
He asks you for some spare change and you say you don’t have any.
He continues to ask and you decide to back away, he follows you.
Can you use force to defend yourself?
Is he a “credible threat”? YES.
Can you “retreat” without putting yourself at risk? NO.
He’s following you and if you turn your back on him, you will be put at risk
Is it “reasonable”to assume that his intent is more than just spare change? YES.
You told him “NO” and he continued to stalk you. His intention must be more than what he has indicated.
Can you defend yourself right now? YES.
Can you use deadly force? Possibly.Depends on the details and your lawyer. More times than not, if you’re outmatched you may be able to use deadly force.
The bottom line, you don’t have to wait for him to physically attack you to use force, which brings me to…

6. “Always let your attacker, attack first.”
This goes along with “always let him throw the first punch” which works in the school yard with 4th graders, but in the real world we call the guy who waits for the first punch the victim.
Waiting for the punch or the grab is too late. A good street fighter is going to attack you with a barrage of punches and stabs and try to beat you into the earth.
Yet everywhere in every martial arts and self defense class millions of students around the world, train to wait. What’s the first thing you do in self defense class? OK line up with your partner and let him grab you – STOP, there’s the problem. You’re training to wait for the attack. You’re training to let someone into your space, put their hands on you and attack.
Against a real threat this is just too late. If they can put their hands on you, they’re too close.
What you need to do is put yourself in a position of advantage and identify the intent of your threat BEFORE he makes a move.
We cover that in SDTS Module 1.
Then you attack in a way that takes into consideration that your attacker is armed, has intent, has friends, is bigger and stronger than you (all in Module 1 as well).

7. “Always fight ‘honorably’.
Let’s make one thing clear – LIVE your life HONORABLY, but FIGHT DIRTY.
fight_dirtyOnce the decision is made to go, then you need to go full bore, no BS. Never put yourself at risk by training in tactics that enable your attacker to “slip away.” In fact, the safest and most humane thing to do is to end the conflict as fast as possible.
Your safety comes first – not your attacker’s safety. Going into a real fight with the notion that you’re superior fighter just because you got some time in a gym and underestimating your attacker is a HUGE mistake.
Most of the scariest people you will ever meet, never spent a day in a dojo. What makes them dangerous isn’t their strength or their techniques, it’s their will to do anything it takes to get what they want.
You must be willing to do the same.
Hey, I get it, you don’t want to hurt anyone. Good, normal people don’t fantasize about hurting others. There’s not an argument that can’t be solved with decent communication. That’s why most “fights” don’t go beyond the verbal stage.
But there are people who use violence to get want they want if they think it will work. To defeat these animals you must be willing to do whatever it takes to save yourself and the people you care about.

It’s the only true way.

See You on the Inside…

The Self Defense Company

Friday 30 May 2014

Training For Multiple Attackers

George Hutchings
Self Defense Company Ontario

There is a lot of discussions about training for multiple attackers.  First off being in a situation with multiple attackers sucks.  One person who wants to do you harm is bad enough.  Now add a couple more individuals who have little to no regard for your well being and you can see that this is really a situation that you do not want to be in.
Most martial arts and self defense systems focus on training you to deal with one threat.  They give you great strategies for dealing one on one, and then give you a separate training on dealing with multiple attackers.

Well let me let you in on a little secret. Every situation should be thought of as a multiple attacker situation.  Always assume that your attacker has friends. And the sad thing is you really are only able to "fight" one person at a time.  So you better train to to get rid of them as fast as possible.

                                                                                                                  The Self Defense Company provides the perfect training.   With Insider  all of the training maintains the mindset that every situation is a multiple attacker situation.

Do Your Worst

George Hutchings
Self Defense Company Ontario

I get asked all the time why I chose the Self Defense Company and the Self Defense Training System. Unfortunately my response is always "out of necessity".  We live in a nasty world.  There are people out there who want to hurt you.  They don't give a shit if you make it home to your family or not.  Perhaps you have something that they want.  Perhaps you were walking in the wrong place.  Or perhaps that sick fuck just wants to have his way with you.
There are lots of great systems out there. But when I took the time to evaluate each, I was convinced that the SDC was exactly what I was looking for.  And the founder Damian Ross has not disappointed me one bit.

With the Self Defense Training System we teach you to be aggressive.  Do your worst to your attacker.  He has no regard for you. You are just a piece of shit.  Not every encounter will force you to be lethal but it sure is awesome knowing that if shit hits the fan you have the necessary skills to protect yourself.

Check out Insider today and get started training in this amazing system.

10 Minute Self Defense

The Self Defense Company

10 Minutes is all it takes to go from Candy Ass to Bad Ass

If you’re living on this planet earth, you’re in the game. Your chance of being attacked NEVER changes and only gets more probable the older you get. If you think you’re too busy, too old, or too broke for self defense…that’s all going to change right now.

Self defense training shouldn't be a luxury of the young and wealthy. Everyone needs this skill and now you’re going to get it.

Knowing how to protect yourself and your loved ones is a life skill that can be easily incorporated into your everyday life. The problem is your idea of “training” involves a lot of time and sacrifice and it’s a pain in the ass in the long term.
Training in a martial art or with an instructor is a short term solution. Sooner or later you’ll get injured, move, change your job, lose your job, get married, have kids or get bored (Don’t worry, your instructor does too) it happens to all of us.

Earth, a nice place where people attack and rape each other...kind of a lot.  Self Defense required
Earth, a nice place where people attack and rape each other…kind of a lot.
Let’s face it, by the time you arrange your schedule, get to the gym, change your clothes, talk to the classmates you like (avoid the ones you don’t), take class and get home, that one hour class actually will take two or more hours!
How long will you be able to set aside a couple of hours out of your day to make class?
According to the National Association of Martial Arts Professionals (NAPMA) the average adult goes to a martial arts class about 2 to 3 times a week for 3 months.
That’s it. So NAPMA spends a lot of time thinking of clever ways to keep you training longer. Me on the other hand thought of ways I could train you faster.
So instead I developed a way to train you faster in that 3 month time frame. I look at this this way, as an adult your number one concern is self defense. So if you’re going to spend 5 minutes, 5 days or 5 weeks – you’re going to walk away with some REAL SKILL and knowledge.
And it worked really well, but there was a problem.

3 months is enough time to build an awesome self defense skill set, but over time your skills get rusty so you need some form of regular practice to keep your self defense skills from deteriorating. The problem was solved by creating the Insider Training Platform, but it had to meet some pretty tough criteria if it was going to work.
I will tell you right now – going “back to class” is not the answer.

Going to class is an impractical, long term solution for most people; it takes up way too much time and expense and it can’t “go with you” so to speak, you have to go to it and that doesn't fly.
In order to accomplish this your self defense training needs to be:
  • Simple and easy to learn – something you can do alone or with friends
  • Convenient to fit your every day life – accessible through modern, mobile technology
  • Non-intrusive – short practice sessions that can accessed from anywhere
  • Adaptable to your ever changing physical ability – Our health changes from day to day, the way you protect yourself does too.
  • Affordable – You shouldn't have to sacrifice anything other than pennies a day.
Finally and most important the self defense has to WORK. If it doesn't work, don’t bother.
Simple is as simple does.
Self defense is SIMPLE, it has to be. There’s no such thing as complicated or advanced self defense. Advanced self defense is  a unicorn – it doesn't exist in reality.The only “moves” that work in self defense are simple and to be honest, completely devoid of any athleticism.  They’re not pretty and that’s a good thing because the stress of fighting for your life is nothing like you experience in the ring. The adrenaline shot will shut down a lot of things you take for granted, like small motor skills, your ability to reason and peripheral vision.

Fortunately these simple, core power body movements are really easy to learn and recall.
10 minutes is all it takes right in the comfort of your own home at your own pace and in your own time. 

Short term increment training is something educators have known for years and it’s how we set up the SDTS Combatives Program on Insider. According to the University of Southern Florida College of Education it’s actually better to learn in small 10-15 minute increments than hour or more long sessions. It seems our attention span for comprehension and learning only happens in those increments the rest is physical conditioning and muscle memory.
You’re SDTS Combative Insider Training will take advantage of this proven learning principle.
All you need to do is:
  • Log onto Insider (http://insider.theselfdefenseco.com)
  • Set up your training in convenient spot in your home area like we show you in Module 1.
  • Pick a few training drills and do them for a few minutes whenever you feel like it.
  • When you get bored or feel that you’re comfortable with them, go to the next few.
  • If you have a question log on to Insider and ask in the forum.
Now there will be days you’ll want to go for a long periods of time (especially in the beginning) and you’ll probably be able to do this for a few months and that’s great but like I said, it’s going to stop so you’re long term plan looks something like this:
SDTS Combative Training For Life
  • 5 to 10 minute work outs every day or two
  • An occasional long term session or train with a certified SDTS Instructor in person or at a seminar
  • Go on Insider and read blog posts
  • Go in the SDC Library and read the material
  • Go on the Insider  SDC Nation Forum to keep up on current events
Even if you don’t physically train, just thinking about self defense issues and topics will increase your awareness.
Like I said, you’re not training for the Olympics, you’re training for your life. Low and slow…like Barbeque!

Train for your worst nightmare on your worst day.
SDTS Combatives isn't only empty hand techniques, this would be a huge misconception. Your training will include every type of modern edged and impact weapon and how to carry, conceal and use those weapons. Everything from pepper spray to black jacks is covered. Because when you are older, smaller or weaker you need an edge to take down that 800 pound gorilla.

Remember, survive by whatever means fair or foul.
I don’t care about the bad guy, I care about you getting home to your family and friends. I care about your ability to do your job and provide for your loved ones.
I want to give you an option other than to hope no one attacks you or just give them what they want. Because they might not stop at your wallet.

The World’s Most Effective Self Defense for only 65 cents a day.
You shouldn't be too busy or too broke to save the lives of the people who matter most. There’s no reason not to take 5 minutes and a few dollars to make sure you have a plan for when the wolves come to your door.
I think its a tragedy that money will get in the way of your survival. That’s why SDTS Combatives was made affordable and accessible. If you can read this, we can train you. There’s no reason you can’t do this.
Self defense is a life skill and should be treated as such. Like auto maintenance, balancing your checkbook or going to the grocery store. You have time to feed yourself every day, yet you don’t have time to protect your self?
Self preservation is a primary instinct, like food and shelter. Every person should know how to defend themselves and you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars and years of your life to do it