Saturday 12 July 2014

Just Keep It Simple

As I write this, I am reminded of my time back in elementary school and when I was first exposed to the idea of KISS.  Keep it simple stupid.

Back then it seemed so logical. Unfortunately as I got older I started to over complicate everything.  We spend so much time trying to understand shit and over analyze it that we end up causing ourselves nothing but problems.

As a Self Defense Instructor I see this problem more and more.  With all of the different styles of martial arts and combatives, things seem to be getting further and further from this KISS concept.  I mean there are multiple ways to defend against chokes, wrist grabs and weapons.  Fuck, if you do just a simple basic Google search you will find multiple ways to kill a man with just one finger.
This is so true.  And the reason why I have chosen the SDTS.

I have studied multiple styles myself and am proud to have ranked.  I hold a black belt level and advanced level instructor in Krav Maga and Kick Boxing along with a few other reality based self defense systems. The common complaint from students though is there are just too many options and techniques are difficult to learn and/or perform.

Let's try and go back to our concept of KISS for a moment.  True Self Defense needs to be easy.  It needs to be dog shit simple.  I should be able to teach you something that you can take with you and use immediately.  This is not sport, or ceremony.  This is not about grading and reaching the next level or learning 6 different ways to potentially disarm an attacker.  Self Defense is about doing whatever it takes to make it home.  Kill or be killed.  When some 260 lb dude is looking to pull you into secluded woods and rape your ass, do you really want to have to try and remember which one of the hundreds of techniques you learned in order to escape?  I am not going to knock martial arts here.  They have their place.  But unfortunately most training is symmetrical in nature.  You do this and I do this.  Fuck, everything can work against just a choke or wrist grab.  But step up your training.  Practice real scenarios with real stress.  Shit changes.  And this is what can get you injured or even killed in the streets.

Everything works sometime but nothing works all of the time.  There are concepts and techniques from all systems and styles of martial arts and combatives that are great.  My choice though is to focus on the simplicity of the Self Defense Training System

This Self Defense Training System keeps it real and simple.  Techniques are simple.  If you can't escape, attack the man.  Do your worst fast and first.  This is about self preservation.  You will not see complicated wrist grab defenses or crazy knife and gun disarms.  Don't get me wrong though, if you desire to learn these things and rank there are some awesome systems out there, but we are specifically addressing Self Defense here.

You can learn the Self Defense Training System live with an instructor or even online through our amazing new platform.  Click here to take a look at this amazing online program and get started training

You can also email me directly at if you are looking for live training.

Just remember to make sure as Damian Ross says to "Train Honestly!"

George Hutchings
Online Training Program Click Here

Friday 4 July 2014

The Self Defense Training of “Captain” Chris Pizzo

Do you know who really trained “Captain” Chris Pizzo?

It wasn't some super secret ninja army Colonel and he didn't learn in it some clandestine super secret killing camp.

Chris Pizzo learned all he knows about close combat from this guy, Damian Ross.

And the truth be told, Chris only trained with Damian for a few years – let’s put it this way…

Damian may have taught Chris everything Chris knows, he sure as heck didn’t teach Chris everything Damian knows!

If you never heard of Damian you’re in for a REAL treat – he is THE MAN. Three black belts, former bodyguard, New Jersey concealed carry, nationally ranked in wrestling, karate, judo, kick boxing…well you get the point.

Damian is pissed and he wants to set the record straight.

You see Chris was the marketing guy and Damian was the Self Defense Training talent. Back in 2007, Chris decided to screw Damian out of a lot of money, promoted himself to “Captain” and started selling a watered down version of what he learned from Damian.

In the end, Damian sued Chris, and the good guys won.

But that wasn't enough for Damian.

Damian wants to clear the name of “Combatives”, Real combatives – not martial arts just using the term combatives.

To be quite clear, what you learned from Chris WAS NOT THE REAL DEAL

To correct this injustice Damian has created a special offer for you.

For a limited time he’s giving away FREE Trials of his Self Defense Training program.

There is nothing to buy, and you can begin training instantly with him and his team RIGHT NOW.

The SDTS Combatives Program – the heart and soul of your training – Over 400 lesson and drills of everything you ever needed to know about close quarters combat; from empty hand to weapons (offense and defense).

Family Safe Program

60 Minute Self Defense

The Guardian and Protector Programs for Law Enforcement and Security

You’ll have access to ALL of these programs but that’s not all.

What happens if you have a question?

Along with your membership you’ll get LIVE training and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can even train with Damian or any one of his certified Instructors in person or right from the privacy of your own home.

And you can check it all out, right now, instantly.

To learn more about this incredible opportunity and how you can start for FREE GO TO:

If you like what you see, try it for free – no strings attached.

There is a self-cancel button so you don’t have to deal with customer service.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we look forward to self defense training with you.

George Hutchings

On behalf of Damian Ross and The Self Defense Company